eü # oe
Tsat Mbäfeung pä'a, lepoe zey ee pä woh. Pey nyeh' nangte yoh njuoh: / La langue mbafoung a ses règles. Considérez ce qui suit : / The Mbafung language has its rules. Consider the following:
ndoe = vampire / vampire
ndeü = propriété personnelle / own property
mboe = rentrer / to return
mbeü = être saoul / to be drunk
soe = honte/ shame
seü = défeuiller / to skin
foe = tibia / tibia (shin)
feü = type d'igname / type of yam
nkoe = boucler / to buckle
nkeü = parler de / to talk about
poe = poudre d'acajou / mahogany powder
peü = paille / straw
Pey nhwa'a metchoh mi pä nyat ngeo eü kaa a pä yee oe / Trouvez d'autres exemples qui illustrent la différence entre eü et oe / Provide other exemples to show the difference between eü and oe:
ei # ey
Tsat Mbäfeung pä'a, lepoe zey ee pä woh. Pey nyeh' nangte yoh njuoh: / La langue mbafoung a ses règles. Considérez ce qui suit : / The Mbafung language has its rules. Consider the following:
ndei = reconnaître / to recognise
ndey = être propre / to be clean
mbei = aaccepter / to agree or accept
mbey = être méchant / to be wicked
ntei = être difficile / to be hard, difficult
ntey = tordre / to twist
lepei = acceptation / acceptance
lepey = chute d'eau / water fall
Ghap pei. = Ils sont d'accord. / They agree.
Ghap pey. = ils sont méchants. / They are wicked.
fei = vendre
fey = ouvrir
Pey nhwa'a metchoh mi pä nyat ngeo ei kaa a pä yee ey / Trouvez d'autres exemples qui illustrent la différence entre ei et ey / Provide other exemples to show the difference between ei and ey:
i # ei
Tsat Mbäfeung pä'a, lepoe zey ee pä woh. Pey nyeh' nangte yoh njuoh: / La langue mbafoung a ses règles. Considérez ce qui suit : / The Mbafung language has its rules. Consider the following:
ndi = être amer / to be bitter
ndei = reconnaître / to recognise
mbi = cuire / to get done
mbei = accepter / to agree or accept
nti = être absent / to cbe absent
ntei = être difficile / to be hard, difficult
lepi = kola / kola nut
lepei = acceptation / acceptance
Ghap pi. = Les voilà. / There they are.
Ghap pei. = Ils sont d'accord. / They agree.
Pey nhwa'a metchoh mi pä nyat ngeo i kaa a pä yee ei / Trouvez d'autres exemples qui illustrent la différence entre i et ei / Provide other exemples to show the difference between i and ei:
NB: "i" représente la transcription orthographique du même son, bien que le ton ne soit pas toujours le même!./ "i" is the orthographic transcription of the same sound, although the tone ...
eu # oe
Tsat Mbäfeung pä'a, lepoe zey ee pä woh. Pey nyeh' nangte yoh njuoh: / La langue mbafoung a ses règles. Considérez ce qui suit : / The Mbafung language has its rules. Consider the following:
ndeu = mordre / to bite
ndoe = être sucré / to be sweet
mbeute = rencontrer / to meet
mboete = nouer un pagne / to tie a loin cloth
nteu = message / message
ntoe = coeur / heart
ngeu = inviter / to inviter
ngoe = être bête / to be stupid
teu = pays étranger / foreign land
toe = force / strength
nkeu = ronfler / to snore
nkoe = faire un barrage / to build a dam
koe = bague / finger ring
keu = lit / bed
seu = ami / friend
soe = honte / shame
leu = saison sêche / dry season
loe = vampirisme / vampirism
Pey nhwa'a metchoh mi pä nyat ngeo eu kaa a pä yee oe/ Trouvez d'autres exemples qui illustrent la différence entre eu et oe/ Provide other exemples to show the difference between eu and oe:
ü # eü
Tsat Mbäfeung pä'a, lepoe zey ee pä woh. Pey nyeh' nangte yoh njuoh: / La langue mbafoung a ses règles. Considérez ce qui suit : / The Mbafung language has its rules. Consider the following:
ndü = course / race
ndeü = propriété / to bite
mbü = traduire en justice / to sue
mbeü = rencontrer / to meet
sü = face / face
seü = défeuiller / to skin
nzü = manger / to eat
nzeü = ressusciter / to resurrect
nkü = briller / to shine
nkeü = parler de / to talk about
pü = poudre d'acajou / mahogany powder
peü = paille / straw
Pey nhwa'a metchoh mi pä nyat ngeo ü kaa a pä yee eü / Trouvez d'autres exemples qui illustrent la différence entre ü et eü / Provide other exemples to show the difference between ü and eü:
u # eu
Tsat Mbäfeung pä'a, lepoe zey ee pä woh. Pey nyeh' nangte yoh njuoh: / La langue mbafoung a ses règles. Considérez ce qui suit : / The Mbafung language has its rules. Consider the following:
ndu = essayer / to try
ndeu = mordre / to bite
mbute = traduire en justice / to sue
mbeute = rencontrer / to meet
ntu = avancer / to go forward
nteu = message / message
ngu = vadrouiller / to wander
ngeu = inviter / to inviter
letu' = nuit / night
leteu' = type d'igname / type d'igname
nku = égrener / to shell
nkeu = ronfler / to snore
fute = tromper / to deceive
feute = confondre / to get mixed up
meku = pieds / feet
mekeu = niébé (type de haricots) / niebe beans
Pey nhwa'a metchoh mi pä nyat ngeo u kaa a pä yee eu / Trouvez d'autres exemples qui illustrent la différence entre u et eu / Provide other exemples to show the difference between u and eu: